Upcoming Community Events

Our community events and meetings are open to everyone. Please get in touch if you’d like more information. Last Updated: 6 October 2024

Saturday 2nd November 13:30 - Work Party

Everyone is welcome to join our work party on Saturday 2nd November at 13:30. Help us preparing the ground for hedge planting on Audrey’s Meadow, we’ll be meeting at Rosyth Gardens off Mandarin Drive/entrance to Audrey’s Meadow. This work party is in collaboration with BBOWT. Please wear suitable clothing (gloves recommended), and bring a fork if you can.

Saturday 7th December 13:30 - Work Party

Everyone is welcome to join our work party on Saturday 7th December at 13:30. Help us planting hedging on Audrey’s Meadow, we’ll be meeting at Rosyth Gardens off Mandarin Drive/entrance to Audrey’s Meadow. This work party is in collaboration with BBOWT. Please wear suitable clothing (gloves recommended), and bring a fork if you can.