Past events

July 2024 - Work Party

The July working party saw seven volunteers clearing brambles at the Greenham Common Blue Gate/Pyle Hill car park. This will help the wildflowers to grow stronger and reseed. Work parties are scheduled for the first Saturday of the month (except August), and everyone is welcome to join - click here for info.

June 2024 - Work Party

On a sunny June afternoon the work party planted some more perennials to make the Stroud Green playground footpath look colourful in the summer.

May 2024 - Control Tower Planters

On Sunday 19th May, volunteers worked on a section of planters at Greenham Common Control Tower.

May 2024 - Work Party

For the May work party the group planted by the footpath to Stroud Green playground with a variety of perennials which will look wonderful in the summer months. The plants and flowers will also attract bees and butterflies, boosting local biodiversity. The group previously cleared this bed of weeds, and planted bulbs here, in October 2023.

April 2024 - Outreach

On April 24th Alison and Katharine gave a presentation to Greenham Parish Council about the work of Greener Greenham Group in the local area. On April 23rd Alison was interviewed on Berkshire Radio. The presentation slides are available to view on the gallery page of this website.

April 2024 - Work Party

For the April Work Party, the group worked on the flowerbeds at the New Road/Westwood Road junction. 

March 2024 - Great British Spring Clean

There was an excellent turn out for the Great British Spring Clean litter pick in March. As well as the usual cans, bottles, packaging etc, the group also unearthed (quite literally) some old carpet, a radio and most of a trampoline! Greenham is looking much smarter as a result of the group’s efforts. In the background of the picture you can also see daffodils planted by the group last year.

March 2024 - Work Party 

Around 15 volunteers worked in between the rain showers to transplant snowdrops ‘in the green’ to an area where they can be better enjoyed by the public. The remaining less visible snowdrops will benefit from being thinned out and the relocated snowdrops will look beautiful in the new area.

February 2024 - Work Party 

For the second work party of 2024 eight volunteers cleared the ditch behind Newbury Retail Park, removing lots of litter to create a cleaner path. 

January 2024 - Work Party

The group ran the first Work Party of 2024 on Saturday 6th January. Five cheery volunteers cleared brambles and nettles around new hedging near St Mary’s Church, and freed up snowdrops to make it easier to enjoy the flowers. 

December 2023 - Community Orchard Planting

In early December a good number of volunteers with Greener Greenham Group worked alongside the parish council to plant a new community orchard on Pigeon’s Farm Road. The area will now benefit from both spring blossom and autumn fruits!

November 2023 - Bulb planting 

At the beginning of November, a group of 11 cheerful volunteers planted around 1000 bulbs on Stroud Green. They worked hard in the breaks between rain showers, and were rewarded with Alison’s excellent rock cakes which were enjoyed by all following the planting.

October 2023 - Bulb Planting

Bulb planting was very successful, with 960 Narcissus Quail Jonquil planted in the mild, dry October weather. The volunteers enjoyed lots of cake afterwards too.

October 2023 - Litter Pick

A good crowd of litter picking volunteers supported the group’s efforts to tidy Greenham - special thanks to Greenham Scouts. The Pigeon’s Farm area is looking much smarter after the cleaning!

October 2023 - Autumn Bulb Planting

On a Saturday morning 16 volunteers helped plant over 2000 bulbs - an incredible achievement! This included anemones, crocuses and miniature daffodils. The bulbs were planted around the fruit trees on Stroud Green and along the footpath between Westwood Road and the playground. After the productive planting session, the volunteers enjoyed drinks and homemade cakes.

September 2023 - Litter Pick 

On a particularly warm September Saturday, a group of volunteers helped clean and tidy Greenham. The group focussed around the Nightingales and on paths to the retail park, making a great improvement to the appearance of the area.

June 2023 - Tree Planting

In a continuation of the current project “Greenham - Our local environment”, the group planted more trees in front gardens on Greenham estates.

May 2023 - Planter maintenance 

On a sunny weekend in May, the group met to tend to the troughs and planters around Greenham Common Control Tower. They also mulched the recently planted trees there.

May 2023 - Big Help Out

On Big Help Out day of the May Coronation Weekend, Greener Greenham Group smartened up the flowerbed and containers outside the Greenham Community Centre.

April 2023 - “Great British Spring Clean” Litter Pick

The Great British Spring Clean on April 1st was a great opportunity to welcome some new volunteers who helped litter pick the area around Water Lane. Despite the rain, the litter pick was very productive, leaving Greenham looking tidy for the Spring.

March 2023 - Litter Pick

Close to twenty volunteers took part in the March litter pick, focused on the Racecourse Estate and a Stroud Green. The Greenham Scouts once again supported GGG by getting involved, and the litter pick was overall a great success.

February 2023 - Litter Pick

Seventeen volunteers took part in the February litter pick, which took place in the Nightingales area. A special thanks goes to the Greenham Scouts for their excellent work tidying the path behind McDonalds on the retail park.

January 2023 - Litter Pick

Five volunteers gathered on a wet January morning to litter pick and tidy the Pigeon’s farm area. The group made a significant and pleasing improvement to the appearance of The Diamond  (John W Mello) field and the children’s play area in Pigeon’s Farm.

January 2023 - Tree Planting

Having previously reached out to residents, on Friday 6th January 2023 Greener Greenham Group volunteers delivered 10 trees, stakes and compost (from Penwood Nurseries) to ‘adoptees’. The trees have now been planted and are looking wonderful in front gardens around Greenham!

November 2022 - Bulb Planting

A small group of GGG volunteers planted the last of this year's spring bulbs at the New Road/Pigeon's Farm corner on the 11th November.

November 2022 - Litter Pick

Four volunteers took part in a GGG litter pick on 5th November. Despite cool and damp conditions, the group persevered and collected 6 bags of litter from areas around The Nightingales and Greenham Road.

October 2022 - Litter Pick

8 adults and 3 children took part in a mini litter pick on Stroud Green, Greenham on a rather blustery afternoon on the 24th October. Here are some of the volunteers at the playground!

October 2022 - Bulb Planting

Around 20 volunteers helped to plant over 2000 bulbs including wild daffodils, aconites and crocuses on School Green. Everyone enjoyed working together on a fine autumn morning and there were cakes and juice afterwards. There will be some beautiful spring flowers for everyone to enjoy in Spring 2023.

Summer 2022 - Tree Maintenance

Over summer the group ensured the trees planted on Stroud Green were looked after during the long drought from June to August with regular watering. The group also visited local houses to discuss adopting trees in their front gardens in preparation for the third phase of ‘The Streets Where We Live’.

May 2022 - Litter Pick

The group organised and conducted another very successful litter pick throughout Greenham, involving local volunteers. This litter pick involved new routes to maximise the efficacy of the project. The litter pick was again supported by Metro Bank volunteers.

Spring 2022 - Fruit Bushes and Planters

The group helped maintain flower beds around the Greenham Community Centre, as well as planting assorted fruit bushes. The group also replanted and helped to water the planters at the Control Tower, Greenham Common.

February 2022 - Cherry Tree Planting

A small group of GGG volunteers planted three Tai Haku ‘Big White’ Japanese Cherry trees at Blue Gate, Greenham Common.

Winter 2021 - Adopt A Tree

As part of the second phase of ‘The Streets Where We Live’, the group sourced 14 trees and 1 shrub and arranged for their adoption into in front gardens around Greenham. This project was made possible by fundraising on The Good Exchange, which made the trees free for the recipients. The crab apple, flowering cherry and rowan trees can all be found thriving in Westwood Road, Lingfield Road and New Road, Greenham. The planting was reported in the Newbury Weekly News.

November 2021 - Community Tree Planting

The group embarked upon the largest project they had so far attempted - 23 trees were planted on Stroud Green near the new Racecourse Estate. The trees were from Penwood Nursery and were a mixture of crab apple, hawthorn, cherry and fruit. This project was funded by a donation from West Berks Council, and the trees were planted by a mixture of volunteers from Greener Greenham Group, the local estates and Metro Bank. More than thirty people attended the event and planted the trees in a snowstorm!

Autumn 2021 - Bulb Planting

Following successful fundraising, the group organised a community event in which over 50 volunteers, supported by West Berks Council, planted 8500 spring bulbs on Stroud Green. This was followed by further bulb planting on School Green (assisted by volunteers from Metro Bank and the Green Gym), Pyle Hill and along Pinchington Lane.

Summer 2021 - Consultation and Planning

The group launched a consultation with Greenham residents, researching and visiting potential front gardens which could benefit from a tree from the group. The group looked into different ornamental tree types and contacted Penwood Nurseries in preparation for ‘The Streets Where We Live’ Phase 2. Fundraising by donation through ‘The Good Exchange’ was also initiated.

June 2021 - Litter Pick

The group organised and conducted a very successful litter pick throughout Greenham, involving local volunteers. The litter pick was also supported by Metro Bank volunteers.

Spring 2021 - Tree planting

During the first phase of ‘The Streets Where We Live’, having met and discussed plans with residents, the group planted three trees in front gardens on Sandown Way, two in front gardens and one in communal green space.

May 2021 - New Planters

The group helped set up and maintain planters at the Control Tower, Greenham Common.

September 2020 - Litter Pick

The first Greener Greenham Group organised litter pick was run in September 2020.

Autumn 2020 - Bulb Planting

The group adopted the Westwood Road and Sandown Way flowerbeds in order to continue their upkeep. The group also planted bulbs in areas around Greenham.

March 2020 - Greener Greenham Group Founded

The group was founded in March 2020 by Alison Blackborow.